BiD4BEST Final Conference 6th – 8th February 2024, University of Southampton, United Kingdom

The final conference of the BiD4BEST was organised by the University of Southampton. It was a 3-day event, held from the 6-8 February 2024, with the participation of numerous renowned experts external to the BiD4BEST network. The conference included presentations from all the ESRs as well as externals. It offered an excellent opportunity to the ESRs to communicate their results and interact with a community of internationally recognised researchers in the field of supermassive black-hole growth. The small number of participants (~50) created a relaxed atmosphere that encouraged in depth discussions and the exchange of ideas.  


Early-Stage Researchers

Carolina Andonie (UDUR), Brivael Laloux (NOA), Blessing Musiimenta (UNIBO), Giovanna Speranza (IAC), Mathilda Avirett-MacKenzie (UBATH), Ivan Munoz Rodriguez (NOA), Ivan Lopez (UNIBO), Nischal Acharya (DIPC), Alexander Sicilia (SISSA), Evgenii Chaikin (ULEI), Alba Vega Alonso Tetilla (SOTON), Hao Fu (SOTON), Luca Sala (LMU).

Principle Investigators

Prof. Francesco Shankar, Project Coordinator, University of Southampton, UK (SOTON); Prof. Marcella Brusa, Alma Mater Studiorum Universita di Bologna, Italy (UNIBO); Dr Antonis Georgakakis, Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing, National Observatory of Athens, Greece (NOA); Dr Klaus Dolag, Ludwig Maximilians University, Germany (LMU); Prof. Andrea Lapi – Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA), Italy (SISSA); Dr Carolin Villforth University of Bath, UK (UBATH); Dr Silvia Bonoli – Donostia International Physics Centre, Spain, (DIPC); Dr Cristina Ramos Almeida, Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, Spain (IAC); Prof. David Alexander, University of Durham, UK (UDUR); Prof. Joop Schaye, Leiden Observatory, The Netherlands (ULEI).

University of Southampton guests

Prof. Ian McHardy, Dr Sandra Raimundo, Dr Manda Banerji, Dr Annagrazia Puglisi, Dr Matthew Middleton, Dr Daniel KynochProf. Christian Knigge, Prof. Ian Jones.

External Speakers

Dr Sotiria Fotopoulou, University of Bristol; Prof. Marc Huertas-Company, Paris Observatory and Paris Diderot University; Dr Mara Slavato, Max Planck Institute for Extreaterrestial Physics; Prof. Giulia Rodighiero, University of Padova; Prof. Andrew C. Fabian, University of Cambridge; Dr Hannah Übler, University of Cambridge; Prof. Claudia Maraston, University of Portsmouth; Lumen Boco, SISSA.


Tuesday 6th February 2024

Wednesday 7th February 2024

Thursday 8th February 2024

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