BiD4BESt ESR discusses project with Physics Nobel Prize Laureate

BiD4BESt early-stage researcher (ESR) Alba Vega Alonso Tetilla was invited last month to present her work to Physics Nobel Prize Laureate Sir Roger Penrose at the annual STAG Public Lecture at the University of Southampton.

Alba Alonso Tetilla talking with Sir Roger Penrose and Professor Kostas Skenderis

Sir Roger having just given a lecture to a live and online audience entitled ‘The Problem in Space-Time Singularities. Where does this lead us in Cosmology?’ met several PhD students from Southampton and briefly discussed their work with them.

Alba presented a poster about ‘Studying Obscuration with Semi-Analytic Models’ where she explained that from her research, results suggested that a nuclear component called a torus was an essential ingredient in the obscuration of an Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), and that this component is present throughout the lifetime of the AGN.

The Southampton Theory Astrophysics and Gravity (STAG) Research Centre brings together world- leading academics from three research groups – Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Gravitation – to explore issues of fundamental physics and astronomy.  Each year STAG hosts an annual public lecture by a prominent scientist.  Following a year long hiatus, STAG has hosted two events in 2021.   The first was an online lecture in May by Professor Jim Gates from Brown University, Rhode Island USA, and the second event with an audience was held on the University of Southampton Highfield Campus on 20 October 2021 with Sir Roger Penrose.

Stag Public Lectures

Nobel Prize for Physics 2020

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